Saturday, January 16, 2010

Logan Duke Johnson

Ok, So he is finally here, sorry it took so long to post but really, I am just glad that I can focus and make it through the days right now. He was born on Jan. 5, 2010 at 2:07 in the afternoon. Not to exciting of a birth I had a scheduled c-section because of my previous delivery with Tyler and boy when they told me he was 9lbs. 3 ounces and 22 1/2" long I was happy I had gone with the c-section, and I was really REALLY happy I did when they told me his head was 14 inches!!!!! That was so not going to happen. We were in the hospital for three days and then came home to a very excited four year old big brother. Tyler really is loving having Logan here although he does have his moments when he wants to send him back but we are working through it. Having Grandma and Grandpa Montague and Grandma Johnson here has been a huge help, especially with Ty. Things are starting to settle, except the whole not sleeping thing which makes me think I really must be crazy for doing this all over again, but that only lasts till I see both my boys, that makes anything worth it. Wow a year ago I was seriously doubting having any more kids, thank heavens for little miracles (and birth control that didn't work :) we have two beautiful boys. This pregnancy was scary but not as bad as we thought it would be and we may still have more kids, but not too soon.


Linda and Dave Browne said...

He is absolutely darling! Congratulations to your whole family! Wish we were all closer so we could keep up with you, but thank goodness for these blogs! They're the next thing to being there! Love you guys!

B.E.A.T.L.E. said...

Congrats on the new one! Such cute little boys. I'm glad you found my blog and commented. Now we can keep in touch!